
【Lecture 16】Gated Recurrent Units

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.06.26] Topic : Gated Recurrent Units (James) Notes :–aCi11sev_s8GHSYq/view?usp=sharing [James] Links : ht...

【Lecture 15】Long Short-Term Memory

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.06.19] Topic : Long Short Term Memory (Jaden, James) Notes : [Jaden] https...

2021 카카오 인턴 코테/인터뷰 후기 및 정리

​ ​ 2021년 상반기 카카오 인턴쉽 Data/Machine Learning 직무로 지원하였습니다. 다른 곳에서 이제 막 신입으로 근무를 시작하고 있을 때였지만, 2021년 상반기 지원한 곳들 모두 코테 응시까지도 못 미치고 서류에서 좌절만 맛보고 끝나버린 상태라 아쉬웠는데 맞다 카카오는 코테부터 보는구나! 가 생각나 카톡에서 채용 배너를...

【Lecture 14】Recurrent Neural Networks

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.06.05] Topic : Lecture 14: Recurrent Neural Networks (Hayden,James) Notes : ...

【Lecture 13.6】Object Detection YOLO v1

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.05.29] Topic : Lecture 13.6: Object Detection YOLO v1 (Chanju, James, Chloe) Notes :

【Lecture 13.5】Object Detection Faster R-CNN part2

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.05.15] Topic : Lecture 13.5: Object Detection Faster R-CNN part2 (Hayden, James) Notes :

【Lecture 13.5】Object Detection Faster R-CNN part1

Course Study with CSC321 [2021.05.08] Topic : Lecture 13.5: Object Detection Faster R-CNN part1 (Chloe, James) Notes :–1Wj2JcrLcxMHPWoJNo24sPg2TAa-Go/view?u...

pytorch basic5 _ modeling with 3 API

In [None]: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') Mounted at /content/drive 연결된 그래픽 카드와 CUDA 버전 확인하기 In [None]: !nvidia-smi Thu Apr 22 07:05:12 2021 +-----------...

pytorch basic4 _ nn module

In [None]: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') Mounted at /content/drive 연결된 그래픽 카드와 CUDA 버전 확인하기 In [None]: !nvidia-smi Sun Apr 11 07:45:10 2021 +-----------...

pytorch basic3 _ Autograd

In [None]: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=T...